February 2014

Fort Paull American Rod & Custom Car Show


28 September, 2014 (All day)
hosted by Yorkshire American Car Club [YANCS] est 1982, SHOW DAY SUNDAY ONLY, camping from friday noon, saturday night disco with late bar, public £6.00 per day [ £3.00 with a show vehicle ] camping all-in £10.00 per adult for the weekend, SORRY NO DOGS ALLOWD IN THE FORT ONLY ON THE CAMP SITE.



Bridlington American Rod & Custom Car Show and Gala


27 July, 2014 (All day)
Hosted by Yorkshire American Car Club [YANCS] est 1982. SHOW DAY & GALA SUNDAY ONLY, camping from friday noon £10.00 per adult for the weekend, a good time at the seaside. For more details contact Phil & Jackie on 01709 542555 mob 07787915081 or email yancs1@yahoo.co.uk



Fort Paull Easter Bash, American Rod & custom Car Show


20 April, 2014 (All day)
Hosted by Yorkshire American Car Club {YANCS}est 1982 ,SHOW DAY SUNDAY ONLY camping friday noon disco saturday night with late bar [under ground]. SORRY NO DOGS ALLOWED IN THE FORT, ONLY ON CAMP SITE. £6.00 per adult for the day {£3.00 with a show vehicle} £10.00 per adult for the weekend includes camping and entry to the show and fort.



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